Your Baby’s Health Screenings

Your baby’s provider uses health screenings to find problems that may need medical treatment. Your child needs to get regular checkups to stay healthy. Children between 6 months and 6 years old need to get checked for lead poisoning. These well-child visits should take place at the ages listed below. 

Health Screenings Chart

Download the chart to keep track of when your child gets a health screen or lead poison screen.

Other health screenings that take place at well-child doctor visits usually include:

  • Physical exam.
  • Length/height and weight.
  • Head size.
  • Blood pressure.
  • Body mass index or body fat.
  • Developmental check-ins and screenings.
  • Behavior and social screenings.
  • Vision and hearing if you have concerns.

 Fast Fact

You should schedule an appointment with your child’s provider if you have concerns about their health or development.